
seifu on ebs 

It isn’t the subject of goodness and reasonableness, the internal voice of customariness and regarding calm combination that is illogical and stupefying, yet it is his and his TPLF animal colleagues pipedream and need of taking resources just to them which is befuddling. There is presently any piece of our body to check out what TPLF people need to state, as we presumably know they are a world standard liar who live in the distant past of the human progression as our eliminated forerunners than what Ethiopians are right now.

It isn’t the subject of goodness and reasonableness, the internal voice of customariness and regarding calm combination that is illogical and stupefying, yet it is his and his TPLF animal colleagues pipedream and need of taking resources just to them which is befuddling. There is presently any piece of our body to check out what TPLF people need to state, as we presumably know they are a world standard liar who live in the distant past of the human progression as our eliminated forerunners than what Ethiopians are right now.

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