In 2015, the prophesy of Berkinew
Ethiopian Conventional Tewahedo Church, autocephalous Oriental Customary church in Ethiopia. Central command are in Addis Ababa, the nation’s capital.
Custom holds that Ethiopia was first proselytized by St. Matthew and St. Bartholomew in the first century CE, and the main Ethiopian proselyte is remembered to have been the eunuch in Jerusalem referenced in The Demonstrations of the Missionaries (8:27-40). Ethiopia was additionally Christianized in the fourth century CE by two men (reasonable siblings) from Tire — St. Frumentius, later sanctified the principal Ethiopian minister, and Aedesius. They won the certainty of the ruler at Aksum (a strong realm in northern Ethiopia) and were permitted to proselytize. The succeeding lord, Ezana, was sanctified through water by Frumentius, and Christianity was made the state religion. Around the finish of the fifth hundred years, nine priests from Syria are said to have carried religion to Ethiopia and empowered the interpretation of the Sacred writings into the Geʿez language.