
I wanted to be hit by a car

There are many excellent films made for and by women. But certain films are unique. They allow characters to enter your heart and stay there permanently. After seeing Little Miss Sunshine, who among us doesn’t often think of Olive Hoover (Abigail Breslin) confidently doing her pageant routine while the adults in the audience stare with their mouths wide open?

This list of movies that every woman should watch covers a wide range of genres and experiences. The best movies are those that make us think about parts of our own culture and identity in the context of a bigger story. In these stories, women can be both bad guys and good guys. They also have to deal with the complicated (and magical) nature of female friendships and the strong influence of mother-daughter relationships. As these films celebrate, being a woman can be whatever you desire it to be.

You’ve probably reached a point in your life where you’re ready to settle down and start a family. You might feel your age or have been a bridesmaid too often but never been the bride. Maybe you’re tired of watching as all of your closest friends and coworkers tie the knot. There is only one problem: even if you are in the correct frame of mind, it’s possible that you aren’t sure your partner is the perfect one. This is a rather big problem to have! This is the person you will marry because a marriage requires two people to function. So, you might want to look at your relationship and think about some important things to see if he really is a good candidate for marriage before you move forward.

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